1)How does pricing get calculated?
Monthly pricing gets calculated based on the number of active users. Billing occurs at the beginning of the month and each user is pro-rated if is not added at the beginning of the month. Our pricing plan is tiered. For example, if Tier 1 is 1-20 users @ $15 per user per month and Tier 2 is 21-50 users @ $10 per user per month, the first 20 users are charged at Tier 1 pricing and the next users after 20 is charged at $10 per user per month.
Yes, Chameleon Forms works for both iPhone and Android devices.
3) Is there information you can send me?
Yes, email info@chameleonforms.com or call (780) 669-0944 x3 and a team member would be happy to give you more information.
4) How secure is it? Can I have it on my server?
Your data is secured on our encrypted severs to ensure maximum protection (Please review privacy policy for more info on this). In certain circumstances, we are able to allow clients to store their own data. If you are interested in having your data stored on your server you can email info@chameleonforms.com for more information.
5) Who else is using this?
Digital Fractal Technologies has worked with some of the largest construction and energy companies in the province including the Government.
6) Is it a contract?
No, we do not sign clients up to a contract. The service is a monthly fee to utilize but it can be canceled anytime, risk free.
7) Can it work offline?
Yes, the Chameleon Forms App will store any information added even if the device is office. It will que this data until the next time the device gets a wifi or LTE signal and then update any changes that were made when offline.
8) Can I integrate with other programs?
Chameleon Forms is always changing and adapting to meet our customers needs. Currently we do not integrate with other solutions but we will consider doing so if it can bring value to our clients.
9) What if I don’t like it?
You can simply stop using and paying for the service. We believe in our software which means we do not need to lock clients into contacts. If you are unhappy you can stop paying and stop using the solution risk free.